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Community Engagement & International Ties

Guided by the principle of "rooting in Ningbo, serving the local community, and reaching out to the world," the Faculty of Foreign Languages actively contributes to the economic and cultural development of the region. Leveraging our expertise in foreign languages, we offer comprehensive foreign language training and translation services to governments at all levels, as well as to enterprises and institutions. Our dedication to this mission has been recognized through numerous achievements, including the foreign language version of the Ningbo Municipal Government's official website, which has been honored as “China's Most Influential Government Website in Foreign Languages”.

In addition to our local engagement, the Faculty places great emphasis on fostering international connections and exchanges. We have established cooperative relationships with over twenty overseas universities, including Delaware State University, Purdue University in the United States, Kristianstad University in Sweden, Queen's University in the United Kingdom, Western Sydney University in Australia, as well as Hiroshima University, Utsunomiya University, and Iwate University in Japan. These collaborations not only enrich our academic environment but also provide our students and faculty with invaluable opportunities for cross-cultural learning and exchange.including exchange programs at Delaware State University, Purdue University, and others.

data updated to 2024.11.10

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