题 目: Data-driven learning for writing for research publication for students
主讲人: Professor Winnie Cheng (香港理工大学)
主持人: 黄大网
时 间: 2016年3月24日(周四)15:30—16:30
地 点: 李达三外语楼422会议室
Professor Winnie Cheng is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Professor of English and Director of Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE) of the Department of English of the The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is a Founding Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities. Her research interests include EAP, ESP, writing across the curriculum, intercultural pragmatics, intercultural communication, corpus linguistics, conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, and discourse intonation. Her book publications include Enhancing students’ professional competence and generic qualities through writing in English across the curriculum (2014), Exploring corpus linguistics: Language in action (2012), A corpus-driven analysis of discourse intonation (2008), and Intercultural conversation (2003). She has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters and given over 100 invited plenary speeches and workshops at international conferences.