题 目:The Genealogy of Transnationalism: Nationalism, Diaspora,
Postcolonialism, and Multiculturalism
主讲人:金英敏 教授 (韩国东国大学英文系)
主持人:王松林 教授
时 间:10月25日下午(周五)15:00-16:30
地 点:外语学院422会议室
主讲人简介:YOUNGMIN KIM is Professor of English at Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea. He has been teaching and doing researchon the 20th Irish/English/American/Canadian poetry and critical theories, including poststructualism/postmodernism, postnationalism, postcolonialism, and now transnationalism. He was Visiting Professor of Korean Studies at Cornell University (1998-1999), and Visiting Professor at Sapporo Gakuin University in Japan (2009 Fall), and the University of Virginia at Charlottesville (2007-8; 2011 Spring). He had served as the Editorand President of the William Butler Yeats Society of Korea. He gave lectures at Yeats International Summer School (2002, 2004, 2010). He was the Secretary General, the Chief Editor of Journal of English Language and Literature of Korea, Vice-President, and President (2012) of the ELLAK (English Language and Literature of Korea, and President of The Korean Society of Jacques Lacan Contemporary Psychoanalysis (2008-2010). He also served as the conference secretary of the IATIS (International Association for the Translation and Intercultural Studies, 2004-Present), and the representative (2000-2009) and Vice-Chair (2009-2013) of the IASIL. He wrote books and articles on Yeats, Pound, Hopkins, Irish/Canadian/English/ American poetry, Lacan, Heidegger, Postmodernism/Postsructuralism, Transnationalism, and critical theories. His current interest is transnationalism and cultural translation, world poetries in English, and interdisciplinary border-crossing transnationalism in the humanities and social sciences from the psychoanalytic perspective.