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学 术 讲 座预告

作者: 时间:2016-12-07 点击数:


Speaker Professor Ari Ofengenden (Brandeis University)

            Chief Editor of the Journal Comparative Literature and Culture

讲座人:美国布兰迪斯大学Ari Ofengenden教授


Topics(题目):Freud and the Monotheistic Cultural Revolution

Time (时间) 10:00a.m.----11: 30 a.m.  Friday, Dec. 9th, 2016


Venue(地点):Room 107 , Faculty of Foreign Languages

电竞博彩 附楼107 会议室

Short bio of the speaker(讲座人简介) :

Ari Ofengenden is the author of The Passion for Absence in Abraham Shlonsky (Hebrew University Press, 2010) and Shlonsky an Introduction to his Poetry (De Gruyter Press, 2014). He has written articles and book chapters on Poetry, contemporary Israeli Culture, literary theory. He wrote his Ph.D. on the poet Abraham Shlonsky at Haifa University and at Tübingen. From 2005-2008, he taught at the Protestant Theology department at Tübingen (Germany) and was a research fellow at the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW) at Tübingen, Germany. In 2010, he completed a post-doctoral research and teaching fellowship at Monash University (Australia). From 2010 to 2013, he was Assistant professor of Hebrew and comparative literature at Oberlin College and from 2013-14 he was director of the Hebrew Program at George Washington University. Ari has recently finished a book on the effects of globalization on Israeli Culture entitled "Life and Nation: From Nationalism to Knowledge Society in Contemporary Israeli Culture". He has been appointed to be the book series editor of Comparative Cultural Studies at Purdue University Press and is starting to Chief editor of the Journal Comparative Literature and Culture.


       Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University


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