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李达三讲堂 学术讲座

作者: 时间:2018-05-04 点击数:

题目1Translation Pedagogy and Ethics: How 'post-positivist' translation theories affect training and ethics of translation(后实证主义时代的翻译教学法及翻译伦理)

时间: 201857(周一)9:00-11:00

题目2 Cultural Diplomacy and Translation: the “soft power” of translating literature (文化外交与翻译:翻译文学的“软实力”)

时间: 201857(周一)13:30 - 15:00

主讲人:Luise von Flotow加拿大渥太华大学教授、博士生导师

讲座地点:电竞博彩 422会议室



Luise von Flotow has taught Translation Studies at the University of Ottawa in Canada since 1996. Her main research interests have focused on feminist and gender issues in translation, translation as cultural diplomacy, and audio-visual translation. Publications include articles and books authored and edited in these areas: Translating Women, Different Voices and New Horizons, eds. Luise von Flotow and Farzaneh Farhazad; Translation Effects: The Making of Contemporary Canadian Culture and Translation, ed. with Kathy Mezei and Sherry Simon; Translating Women, ed.; Translating Canada. Charting the Institutions and Influences of Cultural Transfer. Canadian Writing in German/y. eds. Luise von Flotow and Reingard Nischik; Translation and Gender. Translation in the 'Era of Feminism’.

She is also a literary translator, working from German and French to English: They Divided the Sky. Re-translation of Der geteilte Himmel, by Christa Wolf; Everyone Talks About the Weather. We Don’t. ed. Karin Bauer; Life is a Carawanserai. Has Two Doors. I Came In One. I Went Out The Other, translation of Das Leben ist eine Karawanserai. Hat zwei Türen. Aus einer kam ich rein. Aus der anderen ging ich raus, by Emine Sevgi Özdamar, and The Four Roads Hotel, tr. of France Théoret`s L’hôtel des quatre chemins; The Stalinist’s Wife, tr. of France Théoret’s La femme du stalinien,; Such a Good Education, tr. of France Theoret’s Une belle éducation.




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