


作者:雷军 时间:2023-11-22 点击数:






[email protected]


雷军,新加坡南洋理工大学应用语言学博士,电竞盘口-电竞博彩 教授。主要从事外语教育技术、语料库语言学、高校全英教学等方面研究,相关研究发表在Computer Assisted Language Learning, ELT JournalEnglish for Specific PurposesHigher EducationJournal of English for Academic PurposesLanguage LearningLanguage Learning & TechnologyLanguage PolicySystemTESOL Quarterly《外语界》等国际、国内重要学术期刊上,出版学术专著1Publishing during Doctoral Candidature: Policies, Practices, and IdentitiesSpringer2023)。目前主持国家社科基金重点项目1项,主讲“学术论文写作”课程入选省级一流课程兼任Journal of English for Academic PurposesSSCI一区)编委Computers & EducationHigher EducationJournal of English for Academic PurposesLanguage, Culture and CurriculumLanguage PolicyStudies in Educational EvaluationSystemTESOL Quarterly以及RoutledgeSpringer20余家国际权威学术期刊和出版社审稿专家。

I hold an MA and a PhD in applied linguistics from the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I am currently a Professor in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ningbo University, China. Before joining Ningbo University, I was a Yunshan Youth scholar at Guangdong Foreign Studies University from 2016 to 2019.

My research interests revolve around the role of English in the increasingly internationalised academia, including English academic writing, English as a medium of instruction in higher education, and English for research publication purposes. My current research interests also include the role of technology in language learning, teaching, and research. My publications in these areas have appeared in Computer Assisted Language Learning, ELT Journal, English for Specific Purposes, Higher Education, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Language Learning, Language Learning & Technology, Language Policy, System, and TESOL Quarterly.

I have served on the Editorial Board of Journal of English for Academic Purposes (2023-) and a manuscript reviewer for over 20 journals and publishers in linguistics and education, including Applied Linguistics Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Computers & Education, Ethics & Behavior, Higher Education, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Language, Culture and Curriculum, Language Policy, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, System, and TESOL Quarterly, Routledge and Springer.

I am interested in supervising graduate (and undergraduate) research projects in the areas of academic writing, computer-assisted language learning (CALL), corpus-based discourse studies, English medium instruction, and English for research publication purposes. I am also keen to supervise Master of Arts in Translation and Interpretation (MTI) projects focusing on the English-Chinese or Chinese-English translation of institutional and technical texts.


Blog at WordPress: //junlei.blog/

ResearchGate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Jun_Lei8

WoS Author Profile: //www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1883471

SCOPUS Profile: //www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57205349004

电话: 0574-87600321         电竞盘口-电竞博彩 版权所有
地址: 浙江省宁波市江北区风华路818号李达三外语楼